Northern Petroleum prepares for UK well test

UK oil company Northern Petroleum has announced the commencement of operations for an extended well test of the Markwells Wood oil discovery in West Sussex, England.

The test will enable Northern Petroleum and its joint venture partners—Magellan Petroleum and Egdon Resources—to evaluate the potential and plan future development of the Markwells Wood oil accumulation.

Northern holds a 50 per cent interest in the licence; Magellan holds 40 per cent; and Egdon Resources 10 per cent.

Production testing is expected to take around 40 days and will utilise a linear reciprocal pump that has a lower height, lower noise emission and a smaller footprint than a more traditional ‘nodding donkey’-style pump.

Testing operations are scheduled to begin in early October.

Commenting on the announcement, Northern’s managing director Derek Musgrove said: "Oil was encountered during the drilling of Markwells Wood towards the end of 2010. A core sample in the Great Oolite reservoir formation was successfully recovered and subsequently subjected to many laboratory tests.

“These established petrophysical characteristics of the formation and preferred stimulation treatments if required. Following completion of this work, the current programme was designed and contracts issued."

In 2008 Northern was granted a three-year consent to test for oil in Markwells Wood, Forestside Stoughton—in the South Downs area of West Sussex—by the County Council. Drilling commenced in November 2010.